
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Recitation of the 4 Rosaries every Tuesday - September

Join us every Tuesday for the recitation of the 
Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful 
and Glorious Mysteries 
in the presence of the Blessed Eucharist

Tuesday 06th September 2011

Tuesday 13th September 2011

Tuesday 20th September 2011

Tuesday 27th September 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pope Benedict about prayer .....

In his second catecheses Pope Benedict continues his reflection on how prayer and the sense of religion have always been part of man throughout history. Although due to secularism, God seems to have disappeared from the lives of some and materialism seems to be taking over, at the same time we see a resdiscovery of the need for God and the need for spirituality in the life of human beings. Man in himself is religious and Pope Benedict points to the Catechism of the Catholic Church which states that “In the act of creation, God calls every being from nothingness into existence.... Even after losing through his sin his likeness to God, man remains an image of his Creator, and retains the desire for the one who calls him into existence. All religions bear witness to man’s essential search for God” (n. 2566). and further “The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God” (n. 27).

Man bears within himself the attraction for God, since God himself placed this attraction in man. This attraction is the soul of prayer and in fact prayer is found present in different forms in all religions and cultures.
In prayer, in every period of history, man considers himself and his situation before God, from God and in relation to God, and experiences being a creature in need of help, incapable of obtaining on his own the fulfilment of his life and his hope. The philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein mentioned that “prayer means feeling that the world’s meaning is outside the world”.

Only in God who reveals himself does man’s seeking find complete fulfilment. The prayer that is openness and elevation of the heart to God, thus becomes a personal relationship with him. And even if man forgets his Creator, the living, true God does not cease to call man first to the mysterious encounter of prayer.

".... You will receive whatever you ask for in prayer, if you believe.” (Mt 21:22) With full faith in Jesus' words, let us accept our limitations and our need for God and in all humility kneel before our living God and ask for the gift of prayer, that we may open our hearts to the dialogue that God is trying to open with each and every one of us and thus experience his infinite love and mercy and allow Him to quench our thirst for life. Let us with St. Augustine say: "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you." 

Holy Father's Prayer intentions for August 2011

General Intention: World Youth Day.
That World Youth Day in Madrid may encourage young people throughout the world to have their lives rooted and built up in Christ.

Missionary Intention:Western Christians.
That Western Christians may be open to the action of the Holy Spirit and rediscover the freshness and enthusiasm of their faith.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pope Benedict about prayer .....

Prayer is something very personal, very intimate sometimes difficult to express but yet can also be very simple when expressed in the form of a little child expressing its feelings to its father.

On 04th May 2011, Pope Benedict XVI commenced a series of new Catecheses about prayer, especially Christian prayer that is, which Jesus taught and which the Church continues to teach us. It is in fact in Jesus that man becomes able to approach God in the depth and intimacy of the relationship of fatherhood and sonship. Together with the first disciples, let us now turn with humble trust to the Teacher and ask him: “Lord, teach us to pray” (Lk 11:1).

We know well, in fact, that prayer should not be taken for granted. It is necessary to learn how to pray, as it were acquiring this art ever anew; even those who are very advanced in spiritual life always feel the need to learn from Jesus, to learn how to pray authentically. We receive the first lesson from the Lord by his example. The Gospels describe Jesus to us in intimate and constant conversation with the Father: it is a profound communion of the One who came into the world not to do his will but that of the Father who sent him for the salvation of man.

In his first catecheses Pope Benedict gave a series of examples of prayer from ancient cultures showing however that prayer always addresses us to God as the desire and yearning for God is engraved in our hearts. Human life is a fabric woven of good and of evil, of undeserved suffering and of joy and beauty that spontaneously and irresistibly impel us to ask God for that light and that inner strength which support us on earth and reveal a hope beyond the boundaries of death.

Pope Benedict ended his first catecheses with a prayer for divine light. At the beginning of our journey in the “school of prayer” let us now ask the Lord to illumine our minds and hearts so that the relationship with him in prayer may be ever more intense, affectionate and constant. Once again, let us say to him: “Lord, teach us to pray” (Lk 11:1).

For full text go to:

Holy Father's Prayer intentions for August 2011

General Intention: World Youth Day.
That World Youth Day in Madrid may encourage young people throughout the world to have their lives rooted and built up in Christ.

Missionary Intention:Western Christians.
That Western Christians may be open to the action of the Holy Spirit and rediscover the freshness and enthusiasm of their faith.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

15th August - Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Icon of the Dormition of The Blessed Virgin Mary

In the midst of the summer holidays, a time of rest for man, the Church celebrates the feast of the Assumption in honour of the Virgin Mary. Since the early centuries, the Church perceived that Mary prefigured both the pilgrimage and the final destination which awaits every human being: the assumption of the whole human being into the divine. The personality of Mary incorporates all the believers because she is the Daughter of Zion, the holy Israel from whom the Savior was born, the Church and the Christian community which generates sons and daughters for God beneath the Cross.

Mary assumpted in God remains infinitely human, Mother forever, turned towards the earth, attentive to all the sufferings of man of all time and in all places, ever present during their, often uncertain, pilgrimage on earth.

For the east as well as for the west, the Dormition - Assumption of Mary is a sign of the 'ultimate realities' which are yet to occur. In her we perceive the glorification which awaits the whole cosmos at the end of time when "God will be all in all" (1 Cor 12,28)

The Assumption of Mary is the anticipation of the paschal feast which awaits every believer. It is the assumption of the redempted creature into God, which is parallel with the first and decisive Assumption of the Son into the glory of the Father. The Icon of the Dormition represents these themes. Whilst Mary is represented on the deathbed surrounded by the Apostles, the Christ appears solemnly at the centre of the picture as He holds a little girl full of light in His hands: this is the soul of the Virgin Mother which He is taking with Him to heaven.

This is the hope for all which the liturgy seeks to sing in this feast. The body of the Blessed Virgin Mary transported towards the Light fount and destination of all light is not the devotion of some faithful, but the ultimate fate of the whole cosmos, created by the Uncreated: it is the same body of the earth which transfigured, becomes eucharist, thanksgiving, one with heaven.  In the memory of Mary assumpted into heaven, Christians, are invited to transform their holidays into thanksgiving to the Creator and Saviour whilst they contemplate creation.

As we contemplate in faith the final glory to which we are all called, let us remain united with our Blessed Mother in the prayer of the rosary making a special intention for all our suffering brothers and sisters who are feeling weak. Let us help them with prayer. May this feast bring new hope in their hearts and new light in their lives. May they feel the presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary right beside them and may her presence keep their faith alive that they may never give up but keep the hope of the coming glory burning in their heart.


Reference has been made to the book "Dare Senso Ai Tempi" by Enzo Bianchi founder of Bose Community

Friday, August 12, 2011

Feast of St. Clare - 11th August 2011

Photo taken during the feast on 11th August 2011

Heartfelt thanks to all those who helped in the organisation of the feast and to all who attended and with your presence made it a beautiful celebration to our Lord. Above all, let us thank our Heavenly Father, author of all goodness for His love and peace and for His eternal presence amongst us. Let us remain united in prayer through the Eucharist and the rosary. Following the example of our Blessed Mother Mary ever Virgin let us always create space within our hearts and thus make ourselves dwellings for the Holy Spirit.  God bless and keep you all!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Feast of St. Clare - 11th August 2011

Come and join us as we celebrate the  Feast of  St Clare, 

on Thursday 11th August 2011.

Mass will be held at 18:30hrs within the Grounds of our Monastery, followed by a reception.

Everyone is welcome!

St. Clare used to count her prayers using pebbles. One of her favourite prayers was the Our Father whom she referred to as 'the author of all good'. Let us always pray this beautiful prayer to experience the love of the Father in our hearts, in our families and communities and in our every day life.

Paraphrase of the Our Father attributed to St. Francis of Assisi:

Our Father: Most Holy, our Creator and Redeemer, our Savior and our Comforter.
Who art in Heaven: in the angels and the saints. Who gives them light so that they may have knowledge, because Thou, Lord, are Light. Who inflames them so that they may love, because Thou, Lord, are Love. Who lives continually in them and who fills them so that they may be happy, because Thou, Lord, are the Supreme Good, the Eternal Good, and it is from Thee that all good comes, and without Thee there is no good.
Hallowed be Thy Name: May our knowledge of Thee become ever clearer, so that we may realize the extent of Thy benefits, the steadfastness of Thy promises, the sublimity of Thy Majesty and the depth of Thy judgments.
Thy Kingdom come: so that Thou may reign in us by Thy grace and bring us to Thy Kingdom, where we shall see Thee clearly, love Thee perfectly, be blessed in Thy company and enjoy Thee forever.
Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven: so that we may love Thee with our whole heart by always thinking of Thee; with our whole mind by directing our whole intention towards Thee and seeking Thy glory in everything; and with all our strength by spending all our powers and affections of soul and body in the service of Thy Love alone. And may we love our neighbors as ourselves, encouraging them all to love Thee as best we can, rejoicing as the good fortune of others, just as it were our own, and sympathizing with their misfortunes, while giving offense to no one.
Give us this day our daily bread: Thy own beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to remind us of the love He showed for us and to help us understand and appreciate it and everything that he did or said or suffered.
And forgive us our trespasses: in Thy infinite Mercy, and by the power of the Passion of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, together with the merits and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all your saints.
As we forgive those who trespass against us: and if we do not forgive perfectly, Lord, make us forgive perfectly, so that we may indeed love our enemies for love of Thee, and pray fervently to Thee for them, returning no one evil for evil, anxious only to serve everybody in Thee.
And lead us not into temptation: hidden or obvious, sudden or unforeseen.
But deliver us from evil: Present, past, or to come.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mass and Adoration - August 2011

Wednesday 17th August 2011 at 19:00 hrs

at St Clare's Monastery, St Julians

Mass and Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament on

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

02nd August - Feast of the Porziuncola

The Plenary Indulgence of Assisi

From midnight of the 1st August to midnight of the following day, or with the consent of the Ordinary, on the preceding or the following Sunday, we can gain, once only, the plenary indulgence of Porziuncola or the "Pardon of Assisi".

In order to avail of this great manifestation of God's mercy, we should satisfy the following conditions:
  1. A visit to a parish church or a Franciscan church with the prescribed time where the Our Father and the Creed are to be recited;
  2. The Sacrament of Reconciliation should be received during this time;
  3. One should receive Holy Communion
  4. One should pray for the intetions of our Holy Father the Pope (an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be, or other suitable prayers);
  5. The disposition of one's soul must be such as to exclude every attachment to sin, even venial.
The indulgence may be applied to the souls of the deceased.

How St. Francis obtained the Indulgence

One night, in the year 1216, St. Francis was immersed in prayer and contemplation in the little church of  Porziuncola, Assisi, in central Italy, then suddenly, a dazzling light flooded the church, and Christ appeared above the altar, clothed in light, and beside him, His most holy Mother, surrounded by a multitude of angels. Francis adored the Lord in silence, with his face to the ground!

Our Lord asked him what he desired for the salvation of souls. St. Francis' reply was immediate:  "Most Holy Father, although I am a miserable sinner, I beseech you to grant full and generous forgiveness to all who visit this church, having repented and confessed, with complete remission of all their sins."
"What you ask is great, O Brother Francis," answered the Lord, "but you are worthy of greater things, and greater things you shall have. Therefore I accept your prayer, but on condition that you ask this indulgence on my behalf of my vicar on earth."

Francis went immediately before his Holiness Pope Honorius III, who was staying at nearby Perugia at that time, and described the vision in with his characteristic sincerity and simplicity.

The Pope listened to him attentively and, after some hesitation, gave his approval. "For how many years do you want this indulgence?" Francis immediately replied, "Holy Father, I do not ask for years, but for souls", and happily made his way to the door. The Pontiff called him back, asking, "Why do you require no document?" "Holy Father", Francis answered, "for me your word is sufficient! If this indulgence is of God's making He shall take care of manifesting His work; I have no need of any document, the charter must be the most Holy Virgin Mary, Christ shall be the solicitor and the Angels the witnesses".

Some days later, Francis said to the assembly gathered at Porziuncola, with tears in his eyes, "My brothers, I want to send you all to Paradise!"